
Centre Championships Weekend

from 7:30am Sat, 18 Mar 2017
to 12:00pm Sun, 19 Mar 2017

by Martin Butler
Posted: over 7 years ago
Updated: over 7 years ago by Martin Butler
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: None
Ends: 12:00pm Sunday 19 March 2017 (duration is 1 day)

Hello all,

We’ve finally come to the last weekend of competition for the 2016-17 season.

Its been a great season for Watsonia with lots of PB’s and fun on and off the track.

Competition kicks off at 7:30 on both Saturday and Sunday for Javelin and Walks events. If your child is competing in these events make sure you are there with plenty of time.

A program for each day is available on the TeamApp page. All efforst will be made to keep to this time but please keep an ear out for events as they may change.

If your child has two events on at the same time a clash form will have been filled out by Leo and sent out to the event. If you have questions please feel free to ask but in most cases it should have already been dealt with.

If you are coming in later in the day please allow some extra time as it may take time to find parking.

Sandy has sent out a list of duties for the weekend. It is very important that you turn up on time for these events. We all want to see our kids perform and care has been taken to make sure you have the best oppurtunity for that.

You are all also invited to our Presentation day and AGM on the 29th of April. Its always a fun day with lunch provided and a Trophy for all our athletes.

That about all for now. I hope you all have a great weekend!

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