
WLAC Program week 17 25th Feb - PB Round

Sat, 25 Feb 2017
from 7:45am to 12:00pm

by Martin Butler
Posted: over 7 years ago
Updated: over 7 years ago by Martin Butler
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: None
Ends: 12:00pm (duration is about 4 hours)

Hello all,

This week at WLAC it is PB round. This is a LAVic wide celebration of the ultimate challenge we have in Little Athletics, the challenge to improve on your personal bests.

Any athlete who achieves a PB this week will be given a ribbon acknowledging the feat. Good luck to all involved.

For those involved last weekend at the Regional track and field championships I hope you all had a great time. I know that lots had fantastic results and many are going onto bigger things at State.

This week Watsonia have set-up and Pack-up duties so an extra effort is needed by all to get things going right. Sandy will be coordinating duties so please turn up when your needed.

A reminder for your athletes to please register for Centre Champs ā€“ there is no cost for the athletes to enter this event which is being held on the weekend of the 18/19 March at Willinda Park. Closing date is 8th March ā€“ no late entries accepted!!
To register follow this link: https://goo.gl/forms/k89zHlRlv1MRh6Dq2

Also as we wind up towards the end of the season Iā€™d ask that anyone who is interested in perhaps filling Committee positions for next season please have a chat to Sandy or any of the other committee about what is involved. At this stage it looks like we will lose several long serving Committee members next season and we need to fill the void.

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