
WLAC Program week 7 Nov 12 Combined round

Sat, 12 Nov 2016
from 7:45am to 12:00pm

by Martin Butler
Posted: almost 8 years ago
Updated: almost 8 years ago by Martin Butler
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: None
Ends: 12:00pm (duration is about 4 hours)

Hello all,

This week we are having a combined program with the Whittlesea City Little Athletics centre.

Whittlesea are using our facilities this season on a Sunday afternoon while their track is being redeveloped.

However this week they will be joining us for our normal weekly competition. So expect to see a lot of new faces out there.

The program has been updated in TeamApp, but you can also find it here ( ).

With Whittlesea joining us our duty roster will be reduced so please keep an eye out for it when it gets posted shortly.

In celebration of Diamond Valleys 50th Birthday celebrations we are also pleased to announce a Family Day Carnival to be held at Willinda Park on Sunday 4th of December from 12-3 PM.

Thats it for now.

See you Saturday


Willinda Park

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